How to make a quick House Uplifter from any sound

How to make a quick House Uplifter from any sound

Do you have a hip-shaking drop and a somewhat decent build-up?

But are you lacking that extra excitement before the drop smacks your listener in the face? 

What you need is a House Uplifter! And you can make your own in no time.

Let me show you how.

Watch the video tutorial


1. Find a sound to turn into the uplifter

Go through your sample packs and select a cool sample or sound you want to use for the uplifter.

You can also select the piano chords or vocals in your track and use them for your magical upcoming House uplifter. 

Can you hear that I’m excited?


2. Chop it up and create a build-up pattern

Okay - so we need to construct a cool pattern for the House uplifter.

Take your selected sound and find a sweet spot that is perfect for looping. 

Here, it is more flexible to use an Audio sound source as you have more control over the length of the sound.

Remember to fade in and out the Audio sample to avoid any unwanted clicks and pops.

In FL Studio, I use the declicking mode called “Generic” under the sampler settings. 

How to make a quick House Uplifter in FL Studio - LÄMMERFYR

Very smooth and quick!

Now build your desired uplifter pattern.

Below you can see my pattern in the playlist of FL Studio.

Feel free to copy it.

How to make a quick House Uplifter in FL Studio - LÄMMERFYR

Sweet! Now we will move on to the exciting stuff!


3. Add a pitch shifter plugin

This is the step we have been waiting for! 

Add the Pitch Shifter plugin from Kilohearts to your mixer channel and assign the House uplifter pattern to the channel.

The plugin sounds great and is completely FREE - download it here.

Add the Pitch Shifter plugin from Kilohearts to make a quick House Uplifter in FL Studio - LÄMMERFYR


4. Automate the pitch shifter knob

Now it’s time to add the magic touch: some automation!

Create an automation clip from the pitch shifter knob. 

Then it’s all a matter of taste and how much you want the uplifter to pitch up. 

The pitch shifter plugin can go up to +24 semitones. Maybe that’s a bit too much.

In this example, I’ve set the automation clip to 80% - that’s the sweet spot for me.

Use your ears and set the amount to where you get the most awesome uplifter or “riser” sound.

How to make a quick House Uplifter in FL Studio - LÄMMERFYR


Reverb for stereo width + a bit of EQing

We could stop here - buuuut a bit of Reverb hasn't hurt anyone. 

Pull up the Fruity Reverb.

Turn up the wet level.

Increase the decay and size of the Reverb.


Add the Fruity Parametric EQ 2 and apply a high cut to remove some of the unwanted low end generated by the reverb. 

A cut at around 200Hz will do.

How to make a quick House Uplifter in FL Studio - LÄMMERFYR


6. [Optional] Automate the Reverb wet and dry

This one is not necessary. However, automating the wet and dry levels of the reverb can add some cool movement to the House uplifter.

Create an automation clip for both the wet and dry knob of the Fruity Reverb.

Draw an automation shape that increases the level of the wet throughout the pattern of the uplifter. 

Now at the same time, draw a shape that decreases the dry level of the signal in the Fruity Reverb plugin.

Check out my automation shapes below:

How to make a quick House Uplifter in FL Studio - LÄMMERFYR

The uplifter will get a “washed out” sound at the end and create a smooth transition into your drop!


7. Bounce your House uplifter to Audio

By now you should have a pretty decent uplifter that can make the crowd excited before the drop.

I like to bounce out my uplifters to audio so that I can use them later in other projects.

Who knows, maybe you will build a library of your own unique House uplifters and riser so that your tracks will stand out from the rest.

In FL Studio, it’s very easy to do so. Select the area of the uplifter pattern in the playlist. Right-click on the “track name” area and select “consolidate track”. Lastly, you select the option “Time selection”.

How to make a quick House Uplifter in FL Studio - LÄMMERFYR

Boom. Now you have your own House uplifter ready at your disposal.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial :-)

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